Taking a slight break from the Star Wars universe, I've hopped over to the Halo universe, writing music for Microsoft's Halo Wars 2 game.

Working with my buddy, orchestral composer Gordy Haab, and electronics composers Brian Trifon and Brian Lee White, I got to experience the full process of creating hybridized game music. Combining a full orchestra with a full array of synths, electronic percussion and plenty of musical sound design was no small challenge.
But I had a great experience on this project getting to compose for a full orchestra with Gordy and work symbiotically with "The Brians" (as we often referred to them) who created the electronic elements of the music. Though I've had the pleasure of recording at many big scoring stages around LA, I'd never been to Fox studios before. What a fantastic sound the stage has with a full orchestra in it! Listen to a selection below.